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Date: 6th - 12th April 2020

Location: UMT & Redang Island, Terengganu

This year the Multibeam Boot Camp will be held in April. We are honored QPS will be again supporting and providing the software solutions and licenses for the course. We had tested a few brands of the multibeam system before and this time we are excited to try the Norbit system kindly sponsored by Norbit Singapore. So, don't miss your chance this year! Seats are limited.  


Missing basic knowledge of Sonar and the principal giving a lot of disadvantages on the Multibeam survey overall. This course is intended for those who are interested in knowing how to work with the sonar the proper way and getting a better result. From sonar principle and theory, basic sonar equation, multibeam project organization from line planning, sonar selection, project requirements, and QA & QC.



Hands-on practical with the sonar on board for two days including installation, echo sounder calibration, and an online recording. Using the latest technology for data processing, analysis and interpretation, and 4D visualization and production. The workshop aims to introduce the multibeam seamless workflow that had been introduced around the world.

We are trying to feed as much information especially the latest info and technologies in the industry for various applications. Cooperate with industries and research institutions to maximize our input for the course.


The course focuses on practical and spends 69% most of the camp time. The course intended for beginner and intermediate level. We try to keep it interesting and relevant so that you can follow through till the very end. key is to understand what  you are doing. Do you know your multibeam inside out? Join us now.

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